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About AstroPointer

What is AstroPointer?

The AstroPointer analyzes and comments astrologically on world events and the history of mankind. The AstroPointer’s range of topics covers the entire spectrum of life, always from a spiritual point of view.

Our goal

We pursue with the AstroPointer the goal to introduce and teach astrology to a broad public as a valuable spiritual teaching. The AstroPointer team sets spiritual impulses, comments on the world astrologically and serves as a spiritual companion for its readers.

With the Astro - Trendbarometer ahead of the events on the markets.
Knowledge, stories, experiences and inspirations from the life of a spiritual initiate.
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Our authors

We are a group of spiritual scholars bound together in friendship, brought together by our common enthusiasm for astrology. The AstroPointer is the product of our shared interests, talents and life experiences.

The writers and active contributors at AstroPointer were trained in astrology by Frank Felber.

Frank Felber

Surveyor, founder of AstroPointer, astrologer, author and time traveler


Born in 1968 in Graz. Raised between the ages of one and four in Neuenhofen, Switzerland. From 1972 childhood, youth and education in Weiz. I am married to Elisabeth Felber, father of three sons.
At the age of eighteen I came across astrology, which aroused my immediate interest. For thirty-five years I have led a spiritually oriented life and have self-taught my knowledge in the subjects of astrology, religions, philosophy, magic, history, geography, economics and politics.
Triggered by the intuitive knowledge of who I myself was in previous incarnations, I have been researching human reincarnation since 1992.

In 2002 I started my own business as an astrologer, seminar leader, consultant and author. In the course of this time I have personally trained about two hundred students to become astrologers. As an author, I have enjoyed a loyal readership for decades. Since 2003 I have produced numerous books, DVDs and thousands of articles.
My research on reincarnation, has led to the development of reincarnation astrology, which I teach.

I love nature, live in a house with a garden in the countryside, adjacent to a mixed forest. I was a passionate mushroom hunter for a long time and a handball player in my youth.
What I love has become my profession. I advise and guide my friends and students through their lives. Along with my wife, we both work from home where our family usually gathers on the weekends.

2022 Foundation of AstroPointer GmbH.


Preview Markets June/July 2024

Elisabeth Felber

Astrologer, spiritual healer, Bach flower consultant, meditation teacher, author


I was born in Vorau in 1968 and am married to Frank Felber.

Born into a deeply religious home, my childhood was shaped by the Christian faith. The daily way to the holy mass was self-evident and in the Catholic Jungschar this common faith was deepened even more.

School, a cooking apprenticeship, and a lively youth caused an outward departure from these mundane rituals, but not within me.

With the birth of my 2 sons everything changed again. I began to question many things philosophically and spiritually. At the beginning of this process I immediately came into contact with meditation. I immediately felt this is healing for my soul and brings me closer to God.
During this time, at the age of 20, I began to intensively study a wide variety of natural healing methods. This was followed by countless trainings in the knowledge areas of homeopathy, Bach flowers, color light therapy, essential oils, Dorn-Breuss massage, autogenic training, meditation trainer, metaphysical spiritual healing, quantum healing, psychology, Kabbalah, numerology, I Ching and of course in astrology, which fundamentally changed my life. Among other things, I have now been working as an astrological consultant for fifteen years.

A profound and valuable experience was my hospice training. For four years I practiced volunteer death and bereavement care.

Since 1995 I have been accompanying people in personal counseling, as an astrologer, energeticist and seminar leader. In 2018, on the advice of my husband, I started writing down *wisdom* and publishing it.

I LOVE the people, the animals, the nature and the angels. This is where my vocation comes from. I follow the call and love what I do.

David Felber

Astrologer, author and editor-in-chief


Born 1984 in Passail. I grew up there until I found a new home in St. Ruprecht an der Raab at the age of sixteen. After graduating from high school, I moved to Graz, where I still live today.

Professionally, I have been active in a wide variety of professions since my time in Graz. In addition to being a children’s animator and self-employed video store owner, I have been working in the telecommunications industry since 2010.

My interest in astrology and spirituality was sparked at a young age through many stimulating conversations with my father and friends. Both have remained driving forces in my life to this day, as the question of “why” has never left me.

This ultimately strengthened my decision to train with my father to become an astrologer.

Besides astrology, my worldview was most influenced by Hindu teachings and the mystical aspects of Christianity, so I would describe my worldview as a Christian Hermetic in the sense of Franz Bardon and Valentin Tomberg.

Besides my hobbies like history, reading, swimming, billiards or yoga I am also a passionate cineaste. The rest of my free time I like to spend with my friends in nature. Especially the silence and seclusion of the local mountains have done it to me.


Dominik Zinc

Astrologer, Author


I was born in Vorau in 1988. The first seven years of my life I lived
with my parents and grandparents on a farm in Strallegg. Through a
change of profession of my father we moved to Anger in 1995. My free time
I spent at the soccer field, with friends or with my grandparents at the
Farm. After my compulsory school years I started an apprenticeship as an upholsterer
and completed it in 2006. I did my civilian service in a day workshop
for people with disabilities. I then completed an extra-occupational course of
Training as a specialist social care worker.
Astrology came via my mother Elisabeth and her husband Frank Felber
into my life. After initial skepticism, I realized what great truth there was in
of astrology lies. On the one hand, I could understand other people better,
on the other hand, I got to know myself better. So I decided to make a
to start astrological training with my mother. In the years of the
learning germinated in me the desire to turn my passion into a profession.
At the same time I began to advise my environment and my friends astrologically.
Besides my mother, Frank Felber, my teacher in spiritual,
hermetic and astrological questions.
For two years now I have been living in Waisenegg and running a spiritually oriented
Life. My hobbies include playing electric guitar and reading. Besides many
other interests, I am a passionate cook.


Lisa's love wisdom

Lisa's love wisdom

Lisa's love wisdom

Max Klinger BEd

Chemistry and history, astrologer, author


Born in 1992, full-time teacher of chemistry and history at a middle school.

My youthful years were shaped by sports. Hardly a day went by that I didn’t “kick”, either after school, at home, or at practice. After graduating from high school and completing an apprenticeship in information technology, I was increasingly preoccupied with deeper questions of life, to which neither school nor university could give me answers. A consultation in 2013 sparked my interest in astrology. A period of training followed, and regular astrological study soon became an important part of my life.

Even today, after years of experience, I am fascinated by how accurately a person’s character is portrayed in a birth chart. Along with astrological activity, one’s understanding of one’s fellow man grows. But also in questions of philosophical nature, astrology can give clarity and orientation. All this enriches me in my personal life, but also in my work as an educator.

It became a hobby to pass on my astrological knowledge in my environment or to use it in an advisory capacity. In the meantime, my hobby is my second job.

Privately, the focus is on the family. We, my partner, our two children and I, live in a house in Graz and enjoy our time together in our garden or on an excursion in beautiful Styria.

Photo credits@photostudio Alexandra


Ötzi's ancestors come from Anatolia

Julia Herr attacks Victoria Swarovski and Mark Mateschitz

The quality of time writes the script that the protagonists express

Caroline Athanasiadis lashes out at politicians

A difficult synastry

Does the asteroid Azzurra stand for the Squadra Azzurra?

Richard rod

Astrologer, stock market astrology, sports betting


Born on July 30, 1987 in Dresden, I lived the first 4 years with my parents and my younger sister in Dresden. In 1991 the family moved together to Freital into a house where one year later my parents opened a boarding house.

Inspired by the many guests from all over the world, my parents’ already latent interest in astrology deepened, which was to shape my entire childhood and youth from then on.

In 2004 I finished my Realschulabschluss at the Lessingschule in Freital and started an apprenticeship in information technology, with a focus on network technology, which I successfully completed in 2006.

My favorite hobbies in my youth included geography, soccer and basketball. Later followed health topics, alternative healing methods, but also the economy and markets.

January 2012 was a key moment in my life. It was a difficult time for me, in which astrology stood by me in an enlightening way and made the situation comprehensible. While the younger years in the family were characterized more by discussions about sun signs and ascendant, I began to learn astrology autodidactically and to interpret the first horoscopes.

From 2015, I was fortunate enough to enjoy personal training.

I work part time at Deutsche Post and take care of the dog, house and garden. Astrology still shapes my everyday life and I strive to serve my environment with my knowledge and to pass on the fire.


Historical record: Taylor Swift with 10 of her songs in the US Top 10!

Kanye West provokes with "White Lives Matter" shirt at Paris Fashion Week

Dr. Wolfgang Zottler

Political science, astrologer, editing


I was born in Austria in 1961. 16 years after the end of the Second World War, with
its terrible suffering and total destruction. The people were still poor, but it was
also already a good time. All were diligent and correct.

I had a sheltered childhood. I was not so enthusiastic about the school. Always learning, but
hardly anything that interests children and young people. Always pressure because of exams, and because of
gross miss of the topic, I must now unfortunately give the curriculum designers a “not enough”.
Even if I had successfully passed the exams, afterwards I had the feeling that I was actually
to know nothing more than before. Listening, reproducing, memorizing and a whole lot of rules
learn and follow. None of this made any sense to me, just as well I could have been asked to
can demand to count the grains of sand on a sandy beach every day.

Then I pinned all my hopes on university: political science with journalism and
of course the Philosophikum. The study was not easy, a lot of learning and thick work
write, and yet I can sum up my whole study in the words “all this was
nothing”. A lot of formality, a lot of knowledge shuffling around, but hardly any gain in knowledge and, above all, no
Values and no alignment. This may not be as significant for technical studies, but would be
essential for studies in the humanities.

And I always had so many questions and always wanted to know: Where do I come from? Who am I? Where to
do I go? “Stupid questions,” some probably think to themselves, “he doesn’t even know himself.”
But the truth is probably different. Superficial and uninterested people think like that,
do not ask any questions and accordingly do not find any answers.

I have lived with chronic illness and chronic pain since childhood. And so was
me always in search of pain relief and healing. I looked for doctors,
Alternative physicians, therapists, psychologists and esotericists. I did yoga, qigong,
Firewalking, family constellations, fasting and self-awareness seminars. Some things were not so good,
much was very good. But above all, as a seeker you experience a lot and learn a lot. But nowhere
I found truly fulfilling answers and healing for myself.

I did not believe in astrology. Why should a pile of stones, which is a planet, take over my life?
determine? But every astrological consultation was fantastic: “that’s right”, “that fits”, “that’s the way it is”.
and “this could really be a good path for me,” I kept thinking.
And again I learned new things, and so there is this knowledge after all, after which I was looking for in school, at
at the university and in the media had always searched in vain. Spiritual knowledge that
truth more comprehensively and deeply than anything else, enriching life enormously and giving it a
gives deep meaning.

Elena cock

Certified nurse, astrologer, editor


Born in Nuremberg in 1988, grew up in the Middle Franconian castle town of Abenberg. After my training as a health and nursing assistant, I found astrology and my teacher Frank Felber in 2014 at the age of 25. Since then, intensive study and deepening of basic astrological knowledge, integration into daily life practice and practical observations.

During my childhood and youth I played music in a brass band, was an altar girl and in the remaining free time I was always out somewhere. The love of music has remained with me to this day.

I am religious with a Christian, as well as Hermetic and Hindu spirituality. I consider astrology as an ingenious clockwork of God. Born under the sun sign Sagittarius, I set out to explore and gather the treasures of the spiritual world with my friends.

Besides my main profession in nursing, in the health field I am also interested in all kinds of nutrition, nutrients, as well as diets that have become necessary, aligned with astrological cycles. About these topics I like to exchange, try, learn and offer my knowledge individually and tailored to questions about holistic nutrition.

Mag. Ingo Gruber

Astrologer, author, entrepreneur


Born 1975 in Graz, married, two children
from the first to the third year of life in Allerheiligen im Mürztal with the grandmother,
on my mother’s side.
1981 to 1985 Graben Elementary School in Graz.
Competitive athlete/water diving in youth from age nine to age 15.
multiple styrian champion, austr. Junior champion, participation in the Junior European Championships in 1989.
Gymnasium Kirchengasse in Graz from 1985 to 1993 with Matura degree.
Studied sports science (focus on sports management) from 1993, graduated in 2000.
First contact with astrology: 1999, astrological consultation with Frank Felber
First astrology course: 2002
Connected with this are the teachings about religions, energy, spirituality, meditation, magic,
Numerology, etc.
The quintessence of the spiritual, astrological path is for me above all the
permanent reflection of character and conscience, which is formed by the daily experiences
under parallel observation of the astrological time quality results.
more facts:
1996-dato: Organization and implementation, as well as the moderation of
Beach volleyball events
2000-2022 Construction and operation of the beach volleyball center ‘Auster Beach’ at Bad Eggenberg
in Graz
2005-dato: Construction of the beach volleyball center and guest garden ‘Mur Beach’ in Graz
1996-2015: as an active beach volleyball player more than 200 tournaments on the national tour

Mag. Martina Gruber

Health management, yoga teacher, aromatherapy, entrepreneur


Born in 1981 in a religious home in Bad Radkersburg, where I lived until I was 28 years old.
In high school at the Jungschar and 2 years as an altar server, regular church visits shaped my skin deep faith early on. Even today I love to visit churches, no matter where I am, but in the meantime I prefer them when there are no masses and I can enjoy and feel the peace and quiet there.
After elementary and secondary school I attended the Federal Training College for Kindergarten Pedagogy in Mureck from the age of 15. I soon realized that kindergarten teacher was not my permanent vocation, as I was very interested in the fields of sports and health.
Thus, at the age of 19, I started studying sports science in Graz, which I dropped out of after one year in order to switch to the newly established branch of the FH- Joanneum “Health Management in Tourism” in Bad Gleichenberg.
I completed this in 2004 and then worked for several years at the Parktherme Bad Radkersburg, where I also became active as a part-time personal trainer for ‘UNIQA Insurance’.
At the age of 28, I found my way to yoga – did the training at the Yogaakademie Austria and numerous seminars and courses followed in this field.
In 2009 I moved professionally to Graz, where I opened a small gym and managed it for four years.
Fortunately, during this time I met my husband, with whom I now have two healthy children, for whom I am very grateful. At this time I also started meditation courses with Frank Felber and through this I experience more and more on my spiritual path.
After the birth of our first child in 2013, I handed over the gym the following year due to lack of time and have since been working in my husband’s business, but continue to do yoga classes and personal coaching as time allows.

When there is trust, love grows steadily.

Lisa's wisdom

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