Klaus Schwab Youtube

Identity card Klaus Schwab

Sun/Achristou/Vipera/Saturn/Ceres = the Saturnian anti-Christian warrior and serpent who organizes (Ceres) economic meetings (Saturn)?
Why a question mark? Possibly there are astrologers who consider an A to be an E. I cannot exclude it, however, read only what was written down by the celestial bodies.
Not drawn in the fixed star Algenib (the mastermind, lecturer and ascendant in politics) in exact conjunction to this stellium, which predetermines an enormous unfolding of power for this person.

Radix Klaus Schwab

We see in opposition to the royal fixed star Altair Pluto/Angel/Fraternitas/Eros = the famous (Altair) angel of a black (Pluto) brotherhood (Fraternitas)?

Pluto (devil)/Fraternitas is in the square to Mercury/Venus/Midas = the dark brotherhood seizes (Pluto square) the money (Venus) and people to direct it into other channels (Pluto/Venus/Mercury)? Into which channels?

Christ an enemy?

What relationship should he have to Christianity according to his radix? Wangchristi/Mars/Uranus/Christians in opposition to Vaticana = an opponent and enemy (Mars) of Christ and the Vatican? As it currently appears, the conquest of the Vatican has already succeeded.

But what does Klaus Schwab himself believe in? Jupiter (the faith) is in Aquarius. He believes in revolution, modernity, multiculturalism, globalism and technologyAquarius). But he also believes in astrology, occultism and esotericism (Jupiter in Aquarius).

That there is no astrological doubt about it is confirmed by the conjunction of Jupiter with the fixed star Sadalsuud, the magician, occultist and head of magical brotherhoods.

Jupiter Klaus Schwab

In conjunction we see the asteroids Bal (Baal cult), Rockefellia (super rich), King and Urania (astrology, occultism). Undoubtedly, Mr. Schwab is a proven occultist and representative of a cult (Jupiter) that receives its inspirations from Baal and not from Christ.
The place of Jupiter is also the point in the horoscope where we are promoted. As we can read, its promoters are powerful magical networks (Sadalsuud) of the moneyed aristocracy (Jupiter/Rockefellia).

If you dig deeper, you will discover all sorts of captiousnesses in your radix that speak the same language over and over again. For example, his Venus (friends) is not only square to Pluto/Angel, but also conjunct Masoncole (derived from Freemasonry).

All that is claimed in the various conspiracy theories about Klaus Schwab and his intentions, at least I see written in his radix. Who would they believe more. The stars under which Klaus Schwab had to incarnate, or our system media?