America, the land of opportunity

America’s soul

America is still a young nation. It was discovered by the Europeans by the Christian missionary and Greenlander Leif Eriksson around 1021 AD. Leif Eriksson (c. 970- after 1021) is a significant figure in world history that we will encounter more often as time goes on. Later seers will recognize the historical parallelism between Leif Eriksson and the Indian chief Hiawatha.

Source: Commons Wikimedia License Unknown / / ZVAB
Leif Eriksson / Hiawatha

America was founded in 1607 in Jamestown Virginia by European adventurers and pioneers (The History of America I). It declared its independence as a nation in 1776. America is marked by its conflict with the Indians, its struggle for independence, through the overcoming of slavery, the Civil War, for unity, the immigration of citizens from all over the world, and its rise to become the richest and most powerful nation in the world. America, already in its twenties, measured in the age of nations, has achieved all that a nation can attain in power and prosperity.

Source: Commons Wikimedia / Pixabay Public Domain
Jamestown Tobacco Cultivation / New York

There is no way around the fact that one day the powerful of this world, must be morally noble beings, like a saint, so that they use their power for the sake of all people. Democracy is a ploy to divide power among as many people as possible on the pretext of preventing abuse of power in this way. The abuse of power merely multiplies.
We attain freedom only when the powerful of this world are inspired by the good will to serve God and humankind.

Source: Public Domain

The loss of the God-ordained monarchical order and form of government, has in fact opened the door to the abuse of power, since with the decline of monarchies, humanity has fallen away from faith in God.
The belief in the justice of the God-ordained monarchies, in which the birth of man determines whether political power is to be given to him, has for a long time protected mankind from the fact that only isolated unworthy and sinister figures came to power in the respective nations, because this demanded the karma of the nation.
Divine Providence has watched over the births in the noble and royal families, as well as in every individual throughout time, so that each one is born in the family and nation to which he belongs and his place is true and righteous in every respect.

America is a nation to which predominantly people have immigrated who, for a variety of reasons, have been at odds in some way with the ruling class in Europe, or in the hope, through courage, risk, and diligence, of extricating themselves from their status and unhappy fate. America was shaped into the nation it has become by courageous, combative, and inventive people.


As a young adult (USA), you are still meddling in other people’s affairs. As an adult, you know what falls within your own jurisdiction and at what point you overstep the boundaries of others. As an adult, you know your own limits and respect those of other people (nations).

What was good for America need not be good for the whole world. Each nation has its own roots, history of existence, beliefs, culture and traditions. Every nation has the responsibility to strive within its borders to create a nation that honors God and brings Him joy because its rulers are saints, the soul of the people is happy, and the people live in peace, freedom, and prosperity.

The world will automatically be healthy and at peace when we have monarchies, kings and an emperor again. In monarchies, the virtuous and faithful among men, those who are truly the best and most worthy of their nations, will again incarnate in the royal and noble houses. Then, it will no longer be Masonic lodges that rule the world, but those to whom God and Divine Providence justly entrust political power.

America’s first return of Pluto

America undergoes its first plot rotation during these years (approximately every 248 years). During these years, nations go through transformative processes in which the dark qualities of the people, the desire for power and control (Pluto) culminate. There may also be a split in the nation because Pluto transits polarize and give people a choice to make.
Like any human being, under Pluto transits you have to resist the temptations of evil. If this does not succeed, a painful purification process generally follows.
However, it can be observed again and again that nations under Pluto transits get involved in fierce power struggles in order not to lose power or not to have to be dominated by another nation. The Plutoreturn transforms the power drive of nations. You get into rivalry with other powerful nations and have to learn to let go of the behavioral patterns through which you harm yourself.

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America’s destiny / MC

America has a Libra/MC and a Libra Saturn in the tenth house conjunct the asteroid China and somewhat distant is a conjunction of Spica/Juno. The purpose of America is to establish equal relations (Libra, Juno, Saturn) with other powerful nations. America’s destiny would be in the pursuit of balance, justice, peace, freedom and progress.

However, America is astrologically clearly not destined to liberate, dominate and or even use others for its interests just because it can win over and bind other nations to itself with its lucky seventh and eighth house occupation.
The MC in Libra with Libra Saturn in the tenth house (the asteroid Justitia not far from the MC), points very clearly to the fact that this nation must learn to maintain harmonious, equal relationships, always looking out for mutual advantage and behaving fairly and within the law.

Source: Commons Wikimedia Public Domain
Justitia / MC National Horoscope USA

America will remain the land of opportunity if it respects the freedom and peace of all other nations. As the most powerful nation in this world, America will realize with this plutoreturn that if you cannot step back and enter into an equal respectful relationship with all the other nations of this world, you will lose your position and greatness.
With this destructive potential of the weapons we have created, a peaceful and benevolent relationship between all nations is the only alternative. Everything else ends in collective destruction. The only weapons we may use are those of the mind.

America is in a power struggle for world domination (tr. Pluto conjunction Pluto), in a disinformation vortex through its media (tr. Neptune opposition Neptune, 3rd and 9th houses), which will be followed by a process of renewal with unrest throughout the nation (prog. MC conjunction Uranus + Uranusreturn 2024-2027).

Source: AstroPointer

America’s future

36. and 37th Septar of America

In the years between 2021 and 2018 we see Pluto/Russia/Heracles/Gold at the MC = the power struggle (Pluto) with Russia. (36th Sept)
Further, we see the Sun in the first house on Sirius/Midas = I am the richest, is in opposition to Moon/China. The rivalry between capitalism and a communist party apparatus (Moon/China in Capricorn) that has successfully implemented capitalism into its system.

With Uranus/Mars/Emperor = new powerful weapons, into trine to Pluto/MC and into trine to the Sun, America will win this power struggle with very high probability, although the price will be very high with Venus/Jupiter/Mercury, as well as Saturn into T-square to Pluto. Perhaps so high that America becomes willing, with the Moon’s rising node in Virgo in the fourth house, to focus on caring for and protecting its own nation, rather than continuing to strive for world domination (Pluto/ascending Moon node in the tenth house).

The 37th septar indicates to us that America is very likely to win this power struggle, both with Russia and with China, since the Sun in septar 37 is strongly irradiated from all sides and is in a stellium of Sirius, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars. Mercury, the ruler of the tenth house is conjunct Sirius/Sun in the tenth house, near the eleventh house. America will remain the strongest nation in this world and will also win the power struggle against China (Pluto/China/Icarus/Karma at DC) (trine Mars/Jupiter to Pluto). Technical superiority (Uranus trine Mars/Jupiter) into trine to Pluto/China will bring about this victory.

U.S. Sept. 36 (2021-2028) and 37 (2028-20235)
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Source: Pixabay Public Domain

I am hopeful that America will eventually live up to its destiny and learn from this power struggle that there will be no power struggles with other nations if you, as the most powerful, on principle, maintain an equal and respectful relationship with every nation so that you are served by everyone through friendship.