Thank you to those who love the truth

Whenever man breaks new ground and gains higher knowledge from it, which is still completely new to the people on earth, he must assume that the vast majority of people reject it. Especially in a time when truth has become illegal and lies are supported by the powerful.

The same is true on a smaller scale when they look into their own family or circle of friends. As I gained more and more insight on the subject of reincarnation over the past twenty years, I was initially met with nothing but skepticism on the whole. It was only my closest students, who have been with me for centuries, who immediately recognized the value, so they could also immediately comprehend and understand my results.
That was very valuable for me and a great spiritual support. I would like to say a big thank you to all of them, because they are my motivation to continue working.
My idealism, on the other hand, of doing something good for humanity has since completely evaporated, because I had to realize that people don’t even want to know the truth.

Pride, the hostage of the ego

However, those who rejected my work, in retrospect, were exactly those who already did not follow my path in previous incarnations, although they had come close to me for various reasons or I became acquainted with them through interest in astrology.
The majority of all skeptics failed because of their pride, or their envy as well as the fear of having to face their past.

I always find pride to be the greatest vice that causes so much harm. I can only suggest that they fight their pride with all rigor and severity towards themselves. Pride, simply put, is always about not being able to admit that someone else is better or greater than ourselves.
Pride has always been strange to me and also a mystery, because what is there to be proud of and, above all, what does pride bring me? That I can continue to think something of myself and my non-existent greatness. How great is one if one rejects the truth or is not even willing to seriously examine something just because this would make me realize that it was not I who had recognized it and the insights were not mine?

There is nothing better for a seeker of truth than to gain new insights and come a little closer to the truth. I was grateful to everyone who was able to illuminate a part of the way for me through one of their thoughts or words, although I am sorry to say that I have encountered many more people who have deliberately tried to hinder me on my way and to denigrate my work than to support me and my work.
But I also feel a certain gratitude towards my enemies, because without them I would not have come so far.