Immunity is not necessary, but legal protection

Is there a need for immunity for our politicians, or would some kind of legal protection insurance not be more timely?
In retrospect, HC Strache will certainly agree with the idea of legal expenses insurance for politicians, which would cushion any legal fees incurred by the accused politician despite acquittals. The current Austrian legislation offers political arbitrariness the door and gate to ruin the existence of disagreeable politically active persons as soon as they have lost their immunity.

Radix HC Strache / Public Domain Caesar

Historical parallelism Julius Caesar

It is interesting to look at the position of the asteroid Caesar in HC Strache’s radix and compare his fate, which happened to him through his Austrian party friends (Moon/Caesar/Austria in the eleventh house), with Caesar’s fate, apart from the fact that the two also look incredibly similar.

Caesar was a statesman, general and author who managed to greatly expand the Roman Empire by defeating the Gauls. HC Strache took over the FPÖ at 9%, built it up to 28% of the vote and brought it into government before he was betrayed and ousted by a plot just like Caesar. Even longtime comrades-in-arms and friends of his own party dropped him like a hot potato.
You too my son Brutus?

Wikimedia Public Domain / Brutus

If it weren’t for Sirius/Loke and a square of Sun to Pluto, which reminds us of Loki and his kidnapped goddess of youth, Idunn, who was as pretty a blonde as Philippa Beck (formerly Strache), I wouldn’t get the idea that HC Strache still has the gods angry.

Wikimedia Public Domain
Iduun and Loki

The future

When you are broke at the age of 54 and your reputation has been ruined, it becomes difficult to get back on your feet again under your own steam and yet there is no other way open. If no one who could help you officially wants to have anything to do with you because it could damage their business or reputation, there is no alternative but to roll up your sleeves and create something on your own.

However, in view of the coming transits of the slow movers, a quick recovery and return of HC Strache is not to be expected, as I already predicted when he resigned. Before that, he still has transit Saturn through the tenth and eleventh houses for many years. A time in which he will have to work hard to slowly restore his reputation and build something independently.

At the same time, transit Pluto will square Saturn/Venus, so that there will probably be a financial bottleneck for years and only very few friends will remain. Only when these two slow movers lose their negative influence in a few years, everything in his life will be much easier and happier again.

Transits HC Strache 2023-29

The Austrian Caesar with his own channel?

Only the tenth septar from his 63igstens year of life shows us again a successful personality, which became by its language talent and medium presence for many humans of meaning.
With Mars/Saturn at the AC, he will become a feared and powerful critic, successfully (Regulus/Mars) attacking the establishment (in square to the MC).
With Sirius/Jupiter including Venus in the eleventh house, he will again have won benevolent friends who will also be supportive and influence his destiny positively. Even politics would not be entirely excluded at this stage of life by this strong eleventh squat.

At present, however, he would be well advised to expand his communication skills and media presence, even if this will develop only hesitantly. A YouTube channel from HC Strache? HC as the host of a talk show that he hosts himself and invites guests?
The only path left is that of the lone warrior. Where is this easier than in the alternative media and with a twin sun?
Transit Saturn through the tenth house teaches us that only through hard work do we achieve our goals.

HC Strache Septar 10