Joe Biden’s policies lead to poverty

Jo Biden / AstroPointer

Average hourly wages declined for the second year in a row. Since Jo Biden took office, Americans are earning less as wage increases are eaten up by inflation. In any case, Jo Biden has not brought happiness and success to America. But it is by no means said that this was ever his goal.

Exactly at the end of the world war in 1945 Sirius had reached the Sun in the American horoscope. America had triumphed, World War II ended on Sept. 2, 1945. The USA rose to become the unchallenged world power. From 1945 to the present, America’s debt has grown from a few billion to a staggering $31,000 billion. Per capita, each American has an average of $60000 in debt. This is dramatic, given the fact of having the world currency, which guaranteed America incredible advantages and higher revenues than any other nation. One has used one’s power to go into debt at the expense of the world.

America Transits End of World War 2

Plutoreturn and loss of power

Now the situation looks completely different. The first Plutoreturn has taken place after 246 years. America has been gradually losing power (Pluto) since this return. This transit takes place in the second house of currencies. The dollar’s power as a world currency is being undermined by the polarization of the world. Numerous nations of the world are beginning to emancipate themselves against America’s policies and no longer want to have the dictates imposed on them by the dollar as the world currency.

The current survey reflects the mood of the people with transit Saturn (fear, worry, restriction) on the Moon (people, mood). More than half feel poorer (Moon/Saturn).

USA transits 2023

America rears up

We are currently seeing all slow movers in the lower hemisphere. America is on the defensive right now. In three months, however, Jupiter enters at least the fifth house, decreasing the passivity of America that usually accompanies a Jupiter transit through the fourth house. The U.S. will then enter the scene much stronger than in recent years and will soon be flexing its muscles. In recent months, Mars has already been at the Descendant and America has become increasingly aggressive while the population is impoverished. The poorer the people, the more likely a population is to support wars. Perhaps this impoverishment is deliberately intended?

America is very likely to become significantly more militarily active in a few weeks. The result will probably be presented in June or July 2024. The current triggers in the national horoscope show me that the USA has decided for war. America wants to counter its impending loss of power through war. The ghost of the war demon Halphas rules the White House.

Halpha demon

However, from an astrological perspective, America will become stronger, not weaker, over the next year or two. America will know how to strengthen its position. Transit Saturn will be in trine to Jupiter and Venus throughout the year. It will be possible to curb inflation to some extent (for the Europeans, it could be quite different!).

These surveys reflect the past and present situation. This should not be forgotten. The American national chart would suggest that America will remain relatively stable economically until the next elections, although it remains to be seen what the conjunction of Uranus with the progressive MC of the national chart in June/July 2024 will bring America.
Basically, we have to assume in the medium term that the dollar, as I see the situation astrologically, will remain relatively stable against all other currencies of the world, even if America will continue to lose power globally. The more warlike a nation becomes, the more money it will need. America will try to squeeze this money from other nations.

Will America win the next war?

Watch for progressive Mars (war) retrograde to Saturn in the coming years. In 2030, retrograde progressive Mars will reach Saturn. The war that has been started will probably not end for America until 2030. This Saturn, although exalted in Libra, is in a square to the Sun. One can astrologically conclude that by the end of this war, America will not have the authority to continue dictating its will to the other nations. This by no means means that America has to be the loser, but the world will evolve in such a way that America will have to take a new position.

Here we still see the days around 7/4/2024 when the progressive MC meets Uranus. In these weeks, something significant could happen in the U.S. that shocks the whole world, similar to September 11. With Uranus, anything is possible, from explosions to earthquakes. However, as the IC/MC axis is activated, it is likely that the nation could be shaken to its foundations. The progressive Moon will simultaneously reach the IC and enter the martial sign Aries. The people might call for war.

USA Progressions July 2024