The astrocartography of Jo Biden

Before Brussels unquestioningly fell into the allegiance of the Americans under Jo Biden, Brussels would have been well advised to study Jo Biden’s astrocartography. Jo Biden is a Scorpio with Sagittarius ascendant.

Jo Biden


Jo Biden’s Pluto/DC line (brown line) runs across the whole of Europe. He is taking Europe hostage and using us to pursue his goals at our expense. On the Pluto/DC line we blackmail our partners and entangle them in power struggles. This is exactly the fate that is befalling us now. At the same time, our dependence is being exploited, with us Europeans paying gas prices four to five times higher than the Americans, whose liquefied natural gas is now being sold to us after we implemented the sanctions against Russia at the instigation of the Americans.

Source: Sarastro
Astrocartography Jo Biden

Not that there should be no reaction to Russia’s behavior, but America should not weaken us additionally as well, but strengthen us. However, this is not happening on the part of America under Jo Biden.

Russia / Poland

We see just beside Moscow runs the red Mars/DC (red) line and exactly through Moscow the Lilith/IC line, as well as the lunar node line (white). It doesn’t get any worse than this. On the Mars/DC line, we encounter our enemies and seek conflict. Combined with a Lilith/IC line, he feels Russia is a recalcitrant nation that will rebel and to which he will declare war. Through the lunar node line, this theme is strengthened and led into physical realization.

Jo Biden’s relationship with Warsaw is quite different. Here we see that south of Warsaw runs a parans of Venus/Jupiter (purple, blue). With Poland one is connected in fruitful and successful friendship (Venus) to protect this (Jupiter).

Source: Sarastro
Astrocartography Jo Biden


If we look to Ukraine, we see a parans of Sun/Jupiter (yellow/blue) near Kiev. In achieving his goals for Ukraine, Jo Biden should succeed. Good deals have already been made in the past. Even now America is earning from this war, Europe is losing.

Source: Sarastro
Astrocartography Jo Biden


If we look to Greece and Turkey, we see that a small Mars line of site astrology runs near Istanbul, and on the border between Greece and Turkey, the Neptune/DC line. On the Neptune/DC line, one takes sides with the weaker party, and in this respect he tends to side with Greece, but does not draw a clear line with Turkey either, which also represents Neptune/DC.
In this case, the Greeks would be advised that when in doubt, you can’t really rely on the Americans under Jo Biden. Americans are likely to be far too hesitant to act when it matters.

Source: Sarastro
Astrocartography Jo Biden


Very difficult relations are emerging with France. We see Saturn/IC (negative attitude against this nation) running through Paris. Then another parans of Mars/Moon (old conflict) that connects me to this nation.
No sooner was Jo Biden sworn in than it didn’t take long for a huge submarine deal worth tens of billions, which the French had signed with the Australians years ago, to fall through at the instigation of the Americans.

Source: Sarastro
Astrocartography Jo Biden

We see near Sydney a parans of Sun/Pluto (yellow/brown) and Mars/IC. With Sun/Pluto, you can make the powerful compliant when it comes to defending the nation (Mars/IC). I wonder what trump card the Americans played to be able to blow the submarine deal?

Source: Sarastro
Jo Biden cartography

China / Taiwan / Japan

Let’s analyze Jo Biden’s astrocartography for China, North Korea and Taiwan. The Neptune/IC (turquoise) runs through China. Jo Biden is not able to clearly demarcate himself emotionally from China, but lets a lot of things pass. Through Taiwan runs a parans of Moon/Pluto and Lilith/AC = the inherited family problem, in which he causes further tensions with his Lilith/AC. One might assume, however, that Jo Biden would tend to avoid this conflict if it were not forced upon him. I think towards China, with his Jupiter/AC line near Beijing and the Neptune/IC line across China, he tends to be permissive and generous, but in this he is inclined to overestimate his position.

Japan he leaves no choice with Pluto/AC.

Source: Sarastro
Cartography Jo Biden

We see how Jo Biden’s astrocartography is also reflected in his politics and relations with the respective nations, and what an invaluable asset astrocartography is to the astrologer interested in geopolitics.