The Sword of Damocles

Saturn swings the scepter

Sebastian Kurz / AstroPointer

Sebastian Kurz was born under a T-square of Sun/Saturn and Moon. If such a person is guilty of something, the punishment (Saturn) will not be long in coming.

Exactly for negotiation is the Tr. Saturn (accusation, punishment, negative karma) exactly in opposition to his Sun and triggers this T-square. Transit Justitia is exactly on the moon and also triggers this T-square.

We see the asteroid Damcoles transiting as well all the time in opposition to its sun and Mercury. His fate hangs by a thread and is threatened by conviction.

Anyone who stands trial under these triggers has a poor chance of getting off without a conviction. Under such stars only someone is acquitted who has really not been guilty of anything.

If he is convicted, it can be assumed that a possible return of Sebastian Kurz to politics will be halted for the time being.

Transits Sebastian Kurz Court