The mental worker

As an astrologer, you are always thinking about time quality constellations in order to capture them as deeply as possible. Every time you think about it, another new insight and possible interpretation comes to mind. This form of meditation, when one mentally penetrates a certain subject again and again in order to penetrate to the core, characterizes a spiritual worker.
He needs a tenacious will to penetrate to the core of truth. It goes without saying that this form of meditation must always be constructive, purposeful and productive. I don’t mean brooding over his personal problems. You simply do your job as an astrologer.

Little water

A possible interpretation for Saturn and Neptune in Pisces would be no water (Saturn/Neptune). Not only no gas, but very little (Saturn) rain (Neptune) in those years, so drought. Probably in large parts of the world, so that access to drinking water, in countries that are already at risk, will become more than scarce.
Especially when we consider that Neptune will be in Aries at 2025. Wouldn’t the logical conclusion be wars (Aries) for the water (Neptune)? Water shortage (Saturn/Neptune) becomes a problem (Saturn). On legal (Saturn) order, the pools (Neptune) will remain empty?
Devices that can produce water from the humidity in the air are likely to spread worldwide and become a big issue.

Source: Pixabay Public Domain

Sea Blockades

Of course, the world’s oceans in general will come into focus. Access to the sea, sea blockades, straits (e.g. Dardanelles, Gibraltar, Strait of Hormuz – Suez Canal) could lead to global problems (Saturn/Neptune). Maritime traffic will experience some form of restrictions and probably become impossible in some cases. Economic globalization will not continue, but migration (Neptune) could become such an urgent problem (Saturn) that even the Europeans are seriously trying to seal off the sea borders (Saturn/Neptune) in the Mediterranean because they are dealing with fear (Saturn).

As we can see from the cover image based on the asteroids around Saturn, Europe, America and Ukraine will probably try to cut off Russia’s access to the Mediterranean Sea. Russia/Uranus suggests that Russia must liberate itself.
Recep Erdogan will have Saturn on his Mercury and Venus during this phase. As a NATO member, it will be asked to prevent Russia from entering the Mediterranean. Erdogan, if he remains in power, will almost certainly face an insoluble problem and be forced to make a decision.

Source: Pixabay Public Domain / Suez Canal

The invisible becomes visible

Spiritually, the time quality of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces promises quite positive possibilities, as the invisible (Neptune) becomes concrete and takes shape (Saturn). What a veil lay over and every man could imagine in his imagination (Neptune) what he wanted, is unveiled and brought into visibility, so that nothing can be fooled anymore.
However, Metaverse by Mark Zuckerberg will probably flop under this quality of time. To dream and to dive into other worlds (Neptune) that do not correspond to reality (Saturn) is not appropriate under such a time quality. It is a time of awakening to reality. What we didn’t want to see, we now have to see. No one has time for Metaverse.

Revival of monasticism and asceticism

Saturn (seclusion) and Neptune (silence) will make people aware that seclusion, peace and quiet are scarce. The trend to retreat to the land will most certainly continue. House prices in the countryside have already risen disproportionately in recent years.
Many monasteries (Saturn/Neptune) would soon be orphaned because of the lack of monks. However, I suspect that in the coming years more and more people will choose to live in a monastery simply because they want to have their peace and quiet.
Saturn/Neptune in Pisces represents humility, service and work for God, as well as daily meditation training. The monk and ascetic. Not the luxury vacation at the seaside in a club, but the mountain lodge and retreat are the order of the day.

Source: Pixabay Public Domain