Mass migration to Europe

Migration figures from 2015 already exceeded

As announced today by the Austrian Ministry of Interior, to date 56000 applications for asylum 2022. We expected nothing else for 2022 under the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter/Neptune = many refugees + inflation.

The conjunction will now become a little tighter again. Europe will see a maximum rush of migrants this year. This will be the last year in which Europe does not protect itself from further migration movements with a hard hand. In 2023, serious conflicts on Europe’s borders will automatically bring all refugee movements toward Europe to a halt.

In Italy, a right-wing conservative alliance of parties will come to power in solidarity with Greece. This, too, will bring migration movements to a halt.

2023 Europeans flee

Europe will become unstable due to high inflation, energy crisis and anemic, highly indebted states (Saturn/Neptune in Pisces 2023). Unemployment figures will skyrocket, European social coffers will be empty. The European leaders, as far as they still have something to steer themselves, will be forced to change their asylum policy in 2023 by their own citizens, who fear for their existence. Not only the capital and companies will migrate to America, but also many rich EU Europeans will emigrate to America.

But also within Europe, under Saturn/Neptune, you will continue to see the flight from the big cities to the countryside.

Source: Pixabay Public Domain
Europeans and capital fleeing to the USA

Saturn/Neptune = dissolution of state, security and system

There will be a bitter awakening (Saturn/Neptune) for many when the social coffers are empty and there is nothing left to get from the citizens, unless one expropriates them when they cannot pay their bills anymore.
Things that were taken for granted for decades (Saturn) lose their validity (Neptune). Supposed promises and certainties dissolve into smoke and mirrors. Poverty is rampant. Chash is King. The promises of people to pay their bills later should be trusted less and less. With the large masses, it will probably soon no longer be possible to make ends meet in the course of the year 2023. As a precaution, always include the worst-case scenario.

Source: Pixabay
The balance that generates beads of sweat

Saturn/Neptune = The end of lies and deceptions

The good thing in the coming year is that even the ready mass of the population can no longer repress (Saturn) (Neptune) because they themselves will be affected. Nothing can be put off any longer. Dreaming, lying and repressing are over. But who knows, maybe there are always a few believer(s) who also still believe in the gilded zero with which they can then buy something.

Source: Pixabay
Gold plated zero

Interest rates and prices will rise, people will become poorer

Under Jupiter/Neptune one can still hope. Under Saturn/Neptune balancing is done and illusions must be avoided.