A massive underwater volcano on the other side of the world in 2022 provided the rain in 2023. Another interesting proof of the climate lie!


Martin Zoller is often right with his prophecies

He sees the digital battlefield really taking off in 2027. Concurs with the entry of Uranus into Gemini.

Republicans recapture the White House.

The radix of Martin Zoller (time unknown)

Helena Guerra / Public Domain

Note Regulus/Italia/Spirit + Aura/Apollo/Asteria = a famous Christian seer who reads the aura.
Mirach/Mercury/Venus/Roma = Mirach (fixed star of supersensibility and mediumship) works with him through language and the encounter with people. Once associated with Rome.

Why Rome? The third stellium, around the fixed star Altair/Calchas/Vesta/Vaticana/Mars in Aquarius, tells the story of Helena Guerra, who founded the charismatic branch of the Catholic Church and in doing so clashed with the Church.

Radix Martin Zoller (time unknown)

Auric surgery

Although already old, very worth listening to.