The impregnable fortress

Do you know it? You resolve not to get upset this time, to stay calm, and yet anger rises up inside you? Or maybe you know you’re twisting the truth a little right now, but you can’t let it go because your ego doesn’t want to be exposed? Or maybe you’re already getting into anxious thoughts about your future and everything is about how to solve your problems, which just seem huge again, and so on.
Why do we do something even though we didn’t really want to and that we know will harm us? Because we have no power over ourselves.

It takes time for each person to change for the better and rid themselves of all negative qualities. This is a long and difficult process and hardly any of us do it voluntarily.
Most people are not even really aware of their vices because you don’t want to acknowledge them. They deny these negative qualities and judge themselves differently. After all, almost everyone wants to be a good person and maintain this image of themselves.

I am often asked why I am so peculiar and you always have the feeling that you are never quite right the way you are and I always create pressure.
There is undoubtedly some truth in this, but should I dim my light so that other people can feel more comfortable and convenient to remain as you are, including their bad qualities?
That’s why most people turn away from me after a while, because you want to stay the way you are instead of looking and overcoming the hurdles within you.

Expulsion and transformation

The other day I read that Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene. If only it were that simple. This is work that we ultimately have to do ourselves.

Wikimedia Public Domain
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene

Only when we become pure and selfless in our actions, when we are really good and want good and have power over our mind, we are no longer influenceable by negative spirits or people who want to manipulate us. We are thereby exorcising the demons ourselves! We become strong and can separate ourselves from evil, so that we become an impregnable fortress against negative influences.

Only when man begins to become aware of the power of his mind, by gaining mastery over thought, does he recognize the opposing forces that contend for him in the spiritual sphere. No one else can do this work for us.
I do not want to deny that Jesus controlled demons, but at the latest when Mary Magdalene incarnates again, she faces the same dilemma as before, if she does not accomplish the transformation herself. Other people cannot take the transformation off our hands, but at best they can support us in it.

Thought control, thought mastery, thought silence

As long as our thoughts flit uncontrollably in this direction and then in that direction, because they follow the perceptions of our sense organs instead of flowing to where we want to concentrate in our mind, we are weak and do not control ourselves.

Those who have no power over themselves are seized by other spirits.

However, if we make an unceasing effort to become a strong, pure and morally stable person who watches over his thoughts and feelings, then evil spirits will no longer find entrance into our minds. On the contrary, we will then be constantly surrounded by angels who will inspire us and make us see and understand life with completely different eyes, so that we become content and wise.

Wikimedia Public Domain / Raphael Sistine Chapel

Therefore, you continue to practice mastery of your mind (Sun/Mercury/Pluto) every day. Practice concentration and meditation (Vesta/Neptune) for a few minutes each day, thinking of something specific and not deviating from it for as long as you set your mind to it. So in the long run you will become strong-willed, confident, powerful, patient and permanently successful in everything you do.
Those who do not rule over themselves are ruled over by others.