Chiron brings illness and pain

With transit Chiron on Mercury (hands) and transit Mars in square to Mars, I got a severe inflammation in my right wrist, so unfortunately I have to urgently take care of my hand at the moment. I thought I could get over it and kept writing, but that doesn’t work. The hand needs rest. It is my most important tool that I have to take care of.

Last Wednesday the devil got me when I still had to cut the roses with an already slightly inflamed hand (already for two weeks). The next day I couldn’t even hold a cup in my hand. It’s already much better today, but by no means good, which is why I’m not posting for now, as it would put too much strain on my hand.

Chiron transiting the sixth house is no honey pot. It is still transiting Saturn and Mercury until early 2025.
But there are also interesting e-books from me, which are ready for you in the store.

Transit Chiron on Mercury / Mars square Mars