Neptune, the anesthesia, the redemption

In this way, too, the providence teaches you patience. I will be influenced by transiting Chiron on Mercury and Tr. Neptune near Chiron set to snail’s pace. Until a few days ago, I have only known the benefits of this transit. I also found the slight square to the moon pleasant. My meditative states were deeper than ever before.

Now, obviously, Providence wants me to keep meditating, or they want to force me to communicate other than through Scripture. Anyway, this pace of typing with one hand (right wrist ignited under tr. Mars square Mars and Chiron on Mercury) is unbearable for me as a fast typist. But I have now yielded to pain with insight (tr. Neptune on Chiron + tr. Chiron on Mercury).

Neptune = humility, meditation.

Chiron = pain, dealing with disability. Learning his lessons on the initiation path through pain and exclusion.

Tr. Neptune on Chiron

Neptune Transits

Neptune I experience again and again as the one who brings me revelation. With transit in opposition to Uranus = revelation of reincarnation astrology. The invisible world of the spirits and their history of existence (Neptune) can be read from their horoscopes with the help of the royal fixed stars and asteroids (Uranus = astrology).

With tr. Neptune over Chiron = spiritual healing in the next two years; redemption from pain through love; the spiritual initiate enters the stage – more likely the disabled 🙂

Study my Compendium of Fixed Stars and Reincarnation Astrology, as well as the bookmark from AstroPointer. I will continue to comment astrologically on the world and report astrological things from my own life. One-handed for the time being. You can’t write anything at all.