The award winners Michelle Yeoh and Brendan Fraser

Yesterday, this year’s Oscars were awarded at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. In the Best Lead Actor category, Michelle Yeoh prevailed among the ladies for her role in Everything Everywhere All at Once . This makes her the first Asian person to win an Oscar. In the men’s category, Brendan Fraser was chosen for his role in The Whale.

If we look at the transits of the awardees, it stands out that both are currently transiting Jupiter in trine to their Suns. Transit Jupiter is able to delight us with success, praise and recognition for work done. If it forms a trine to our Sun, it is the whole person that is uplifted and distinguished. The close observer will notice that in Fraser’s case Jupiter is already pulling away from the trine, but it must be remembered that the election took place during the past few weeks and during that time Jupiter formed the trine. Moreover, the asteroid Fortuna is exactly on its sun, which is why it was the lucky winner.
You will first see the current transits of Michelle Yeoh followed by those of Brendan Fraser.

Michell Yeoh Astrology Oscars Horoscope

Transits Michelle Yeohs / Created with Astroplus

Brendan Fraser Astrology Hosocope Oscars

Transits Brendan Fraser

Hugh Grant

Away from the awards, Hugh Grant caused a stir and is being criticized in the media today for the rude interview he gave to US model Ashley Graham. When asked, for example, what he was looking forward to most at the Oscars, Grant visibly had to search for an answer before explaining that the Academy Awards represented “vanity fair” for him, which translates as “fairground of vanity.” After several taciturn responses, Graham said, “But you’re there today having fun, aren’t you?” to which Grant replied, “Close.”

Hugh Grant Oscars Astrology Horoscope

Hugh Grant’s transits

Hugh Grant, with his cumulative virgin cast (frugal, modest) in the 12th house of retreat, is in any case better off in many places than at high society events and had to attend this year’s Academy Awards even under difficult transits. The square of Sun and Mars (conflict, provocative, unfriendly) in the sky joined his already confrontational T-square of Mercury/Mars/Jupiter on the axes. Not a big fan of the Oscars, he was probably already traveling a bit testy (Sun/Mars, Mars/Mars, Mars/Mercury). He reacted confrontationally to questions asked; as a possible reason, some observers state that the questions asked had too little level. Others simply see a disrespectful (Sun square Jupiter) appearance towards the interviewer. As transit Mars heads towards its MC, it fulfilled the role of “bully” in public (MC) this year, being rude but also attacking the Oscars and the elite (Mars/MC + Mars/Jupiter). He thus replaced Will Smith, who had the Transit Mars on the MC at last year’s Oscars and caused the scandal with his slap in the face.
With transit Moon (feeling) square Chiron (outsider, hurt) and Uranus (scandal, provocation), he could not identify with what was happening around him and revealed in an interview (3rd house) how he felt, causing a stir but accepting to hurt the interviewer (Moon/Chiron).